Knackered Knees

When I awoke this morning I initially thought that I had got away with yesterday’s grueling walk without too much damage. But as soon as I jumped out of bed (or to be more accurate crawled) I realised that my right knee was giving me serious gyp.

The early morning walk with the dogs on level ground and the movement appeared to ease the discomfort. It is a cracking day and I suggest to Lynnie that we take a saunter up to Victoria Cave again.

We decide that it would be sensible to reduce the length of the walk we took to the caves a few days ago, so walk into Settle and start to climb the hill besides the Green. My legs are not keen on the incline and my knee feels like it is being hit by a hammer with every step.

I have to admit defeat. My hill-walking day is over, or the way I feel my hill walking days are over! We quickly re-plan our route keeping on level ground, this takes us through old Settle above the Market Square and up Constitution Hill and then along the tarmac lane leading towards Langcliffe.


On reaching the B6479 we turn right and head towards Langcliffe. In a couple of hundred yards we take a footpath on the opposite side of the road leading down a path crossing the Settle to Carlisle railway line before emerging by Langcliffe Mill.


We continue towards the Mill and take the path that goes around the back of the building and emerges by the beautiful Mill Pool with stunning views of Langcliffe Quarry behind it.


We follow the path through a row of cottages and then just past the last cottage on the left, we turn left and cross the River Ribble. We cannot recall seeing the water level as low as this at the weir.


On the opposite side we carry straight on up the track to emerge onto the road at Stackhouse. We turn left and after almost half a mile take a footpath on the left that leads across fields and back into Settle. Along the way the path passes school playing fields and Settle Football Club.

On reaching the B6480 we turn right up the Hill passing the school on our left. At the top of the hill we turn left to head down into Giggleswick and wind our way back towards Brigholme Farm.


My Suunto Traverse says we have covered four and half miles. My knee thinks we have done twenty!

My favourite restaurant in the Country is the Little House in Settle. Admittedly we don’t eat out a lot but when we do I often end up being disappointed in something. We have been to the Little House many times, every time the food has been excellent and the service is spot on. I promised Lolly and Toby that we would take them there during their stay and I booked the table months ago.

I visit the restaurant a couple of times a year (it is well over 270 miles from home), as I walk through the door I am welcomed as if I were here every week. We are not disappointed, the meal is stunning and we leave with a promise of trying to return again before the year is out. We would really plan a trip just to eat here!

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14th May 2016

[To follow this walk you will need Ordnance Survey Outdoor Leisure Map OL2 – Yorkshire Dales – Southern & Western Area]

© Two Dogs and an Awning (2016)


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