About Our Blog

I started blogging in 2014 when we decided to take a break from home comforts and take to the road in our caravan.  We travelled for much of 2014 and our blog tracked the walks and experiences along the way.

Initially I blogged to enable friends to keep track of our travels, but as I gathered a strong following I have continued to blog our subsequent trips.  We started our travels with our two Labrador dogs, Dexter and Crosby.  Sadly Dexter is no longer with us but Crosby still enjoys his adventures.

The blogs contain a detailed description of each walk, with some historical information and personal reflections or accounts things we have spotted along the way and other interesting snippets.

I know that some followers are keen walkers and want details of walks in a particular area, others are caravanners wanting a few tips on where to walk or visit from a site, and then there are those that just like to read the blog to see what we are up to.  The website is structured in a way to satisfy the needs of all of these groups.

We are extremely grateful to Andy our β€œWeb Wizard” who presents what we produce in an orderly fashion.  Without his dedication and understanding the site would not look so good or be as accessible.  If you want to develop a website drop us a line through the comments section and I will put you in touch with Andy.

These days life is full of disclaimers, so here are mine.  The directions for walks are only intended as a rough guide, if you are venturing out on a walk I strongly recommend that you carry the appropriate Ordnance Survey map and a compass and know how to use them!  In recent years I have gained the National Navigation Award Scheme (NNAS) Gold Standard and can highly recommend Nigel from New Forest Navigation if you want to develop your navigation skills.

Some of our walks are on exposed hills and you should ensure that you are fully equipped before embarking on them.  I have sought to be as accurate as possible with any historical information, but do not use my blogs as a definitive source!  Finally, I go to lengths to avoid offending anyone with my comments, however, if you knowingly drop litter then I feel you are fair game.

Β© Two Dogs and an Awning (2023)