Over the years I have walked many of the footpaths in this area of the Yorkshire Dales and visited a lot of the OS Trig Points, but there is a trig on Cave Hill I have had my eye on “bagging” for some time. So that’s where Lynnie and I are heading today.
The starting point for our walk is the parking area besides the Blea Moor Road (B6255) close to Ribblehead Viaduct (Grid Reference: SD765793). Leaving the car we head northeast following the line of the road, this used to be the main Lancaster to Richmond road and we soon pass a milestone.

We continue besides the road to pass Gearstones and then on reaching the entrance to Far Gearstones Farm we take the Dales Way footpath on the right, which leads to a track through a field and then turns towards Gayle Beck.

After crossing the bridge over the beck we start the long gradual ascent on Cam High Road, this is an old Roman Road heading towards Hawes. It is a mizzly day so there is not much of a view back down the dale to Ribblehead Viaduct.

On reaching a junction of paths where the Dales Way meets the Pennine Way we turn right towards Old Ing.

This is a clear track heading south across the moor. The visibility is deteriorating so we can see little apart from the surrounding moorland and the clear track we are following.

Staying with the Pennine Way we reach Ling Gill Bridge, we have never been here before it is a cracking spot.

After crossing the bridge we continue south besides the deep gorge of Ling Gill. There is a fence and warning signs not to enter the nature reserve, we can just about make out the steep sides of the gorge and even if access were possible I don’t think I would be tempted to enter.

After passing a disused quarry we take a detour from our main route to head up the Access Land of Cave Hill on a faint track. It is a short steep ascent but we are rewarded with some fine views when we reach the Ordnance Survey Trig Pillar, this is the 187th I have “bagged”.

Leaving the trig point we return by the same route to rejoin the Pennine Way and resume our walk. As the access land ends we stop to look over the wall at the beck as it disappears into what is known as Calf Holes. Apparently this is an entrance to a cave network that reappears at Browgill Cave.

As we near Old Ing we ignore a path on the right and stay with the Pennine Way heading east.

As you might expect on a National Trail this route is clear and easy to follow.

We reach an area of access land and head steadily uphill to reach a junction of paths.

Now we turn right and head south, still on the Pennine Way.

On reaching a sign for the Three Peaks path we turn right leaving the Pennine Way and going through a kissing gate to follow the well-made path.

This part of the walk is familiar to me because I have walked the Three Peaks on a number of occasions, but it is the first time Lynnie has been here.

The route is now very straightforward we are going to follow the well-marked Three Peaks path back to Ribblehead.
We make good progress stopping briefly when we reach God’s Bridge.

We pass Nether Lodge and stay with the Three Peaks Path to follow a well-made track to Ingman Lodge.

After passing Ingman Lodge, an interesting building dating back to 1687 and still part of a working farm, we continue up the track to reach a road, the B6479, here we turn right. This section of the walk follows the road and needs to be tackled with caution. Forming part of the Three Peaks route it is frequently used by walkers, but there are parts where there is no other option than to walk on the road with little space to step onto the verge. Fortunately there is not a lot of traffic and the majority of vehicles passing seem aware that this is an area where they may encounter walkers.
Reaching the car the cloud lifts and we get a good view of the Ribblehead Viaduct. Over the last forty years I must have taken hundreds of pictures of this viaduct, this does not stop me adding another one to the photo library.

Our walk has covered just over ten miles and has been really enjoyable. I look forward to repeating it on a day when the visibility is better and there is an opportunity to appreciate the views.
To follow my walk you will need Ordnance Survey Explorer Map OL2 – Yorkshire Dales [Western Area]
You can view this 10 mile walk on OS Maps and download the GPX File Here (Subscription to OS Maps Required)
13th November 2019
© Two Dogs and an Awning (2019)