A Rainy Day in Cumbria

Whilst most of the rest of the country is bathed in sunshine we have a wet overcast day with a stiff breeze. So after the morning stroll with the dogs I settle down to do some work. One of the advantages of modern technology is that working on the move is possible. Despite the impression that might be given I am working (occasionally) whilst we are touring.

On wet days the boys just curl up in the Unicorn, much the same as they do at home. It is odd that once out they are happy to be in the wet, but getting them out (especially Dexter) is sometimes a bit of a challenge. As soon as the patter of rain on the Unicorn roof stops Dexter lets us know it his time for him to β€œcock a leg”.

After a days work I head off with the boys to go for a walk along the promenade at Silloth. This is an interesting Victorian seaside town with a wide cobbled street running parallel with the sea. It was linked to Carlisle by a train service and enabled the factory workers to easily visit the seaside. The line was one of those closed in 1964 as part of the Beeching cuts. Today it is all a bit run down and on a wet Monday afternoon there are very few folk about.

Parking on the seafront we head off to walk along the promenade towards Skinburness. With the wind at our backs it is a pleasant stroll. Between Silloth and Skinburness is the East Cote lighthouse. The lighthouse was originally built in 1864 to run along a track but was changed to a fixed position in 1914.

Chatting later to the owner of our CL about Silloth and the lighthouse he tells me that a number of years ago he rebuilt the lighthouse replacing all of the wooden structure but retaining the originally steel supports. Clearly he is proud of this bit of renovation, as he should be, the light is still used today as a guide to shipping on the Solway Firth.

14th July 2014

Β© Two Dogs and an Awning (2014)

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